COCORON - 曲巧奇由兩層曲奇組成,當中夾著朱古力軟夾心,外層鬆脆內層黏韌,口感層次豐富。COCORON 內含三種意義,第一個 ‘CO’ 代表COOKIE (曲奇),第二個 ‘CO’ 代表 COCOA (朱古力),而最後的 ‘RON’ 代表MACARON (馬卡龍)。所有曲巧奇都是全人手製作,每個都是獨一無二,真正香港製作。 COCORON 曲巧奇讓您與家人分享一個無窮的味覺之旅,體驗朱古力、曲奇與馬卡龍的最佳組合,將甜蜜的瞬間定格於心中。
COCORON consists of two layers of cookies with chocolate ganache in between. The outer layer is crispy while the inner part is chewy. COCORON is specially designed as one-bite food which the taste is not greasy at all, currently we have 19 different flavors.
One bite of COCORON delivers the best of both worlds - a harmonious blend of chocolate and cookie, with a texturally balanced combination of crunchy and chewy. With 12 flavors to choose from, it's a perfect snack for any occasion.
*室溫存放 約3個月*
*Shelf Life: 3 Months in room temperature*
價錢 Price
HKD$16/粒 (pc)
$78/5粒 (Pcs)
$150/10粒 (Pcs)
口味選擇 Available Flavour
朱古力 Chocolate
芝士 Cheese
焦糖 Caremel
咖啡 Coffee
黑芝痳 Black Sesame
黑松露 Black Truffle
伯爵茶 Earl Grey
綠茶 Green Tea
巨峰提子 Kyoho Grape
香橙 Orange
紫薯 Purple Sweet Potato
玫瑰 Rose
咸蛋黃 Salted Egg Yolk
士多啤梨 Strawberry
開心果 Pistachio